SKI boolean logic

Combinators are not an easy concept to grok. As a programmer, I find it helpful to write some code that proves the concept I want to understand. Learning by doing it is!
In this post, I implement the three basic combinators of the SKI combinator calculus. Then, I add boolean logic operators and test De Morgan's laws.
I don't pretend to be an expert. Consider this post just as notes that I wrote to grab the concept. Hopefully, these notes will help those who try to do the same thing.
Combinator Birds
In his famous book "To Mock a Mockingbird and Other Logic Puzzles: Including an Amazing Adventure in Combinatory Logic", Raymond Smullyan uses birds as a metaphor of combinators:
A certain enchanted forest is inhabited by talking birds. Given any birds A and B, if you call out the name of B to A, then A will respond by calling out the name of some bird to you; this bird we designate by AB. Thus AB is the bird named by A upon hearing the name of B. Instead of constantly using the cumbersome phrase "A's response to hearing the name of B," we shall more simply say: "A's response to B." Thus AB is A's response to B. In general, A's response to B is not necessarily the same as B's response to A-in symbols, AB is not necessarily the same bird as BA. Also, given three birds A, B, and C, the bird A(BC) is not necessarily the same as the bird (AB)C. The bird A(BC) is A's response to the bird BC, whereas the bird (AB)C is the response of the bird AB to the bird C. The use of parentheses is thus necessary to avoid ambiguity; if I just wrote ABC, you could not possibly know whether I meant the bird A(BC) or the bird (AB)C.
Going chapter-by-chapter through the book is out of the scope of this article, but hopefully, I will partially do that in the next posts.
Anyway, some birds take birds in and return birds out - what a beautiful analogy to functions! The combinators are functions, and we give them bird names.
Now, meet probably the simplest combinator ever:
Idiot λa.a
Someone call it Identity bird. Despite its simplicity, you can see later that they can be useful. Here is how we define an Idiot in TypeScript:
export type Idiot = <T>(a: T) => T
export const I: Idiot = a => a
What it does is it takes a thing and returns the same thing without changing is:
describe('Idiot', () => {
const x = 'whatever';
test('Ix = x', () => {
Kestrel λab.a
Kestrel is also known as constant or TRUE. It merely takes a value and then returns that value whatever you give it after:
export type Kestrel = <T0, T1>(a: T0) => (b: T1) => T0
export const K: Kestrel = a => b => a
describe("Kestrel", () => {
test("Kxy = x", () => {
const x = "x"
const y = "y"
const actual = K(x)(y)
Starling λ
The Starling (or a substitution operator) is more complicated: "It takes three arguments and then returns the first argument applied to the third, which is then applied to the result of the second argument applied to the third":
export type Starling = <TC>(
a: (c: TC) => any
) => (b: (c: TC) => any) => (c: TC) => any
export const S: Starling = a => b => c => a(c)(b(c))
describe("Starling", () => {
test("Sxyz = xz(yz)", () => {
const x = _ => I
const y = a => a() * 2
const z = () => 3
const xz = x(z)
const yz = y(z)
const actual = S(x)(y)(z)
Ix = SSKKx = SK(KK)x = x
We can build any combinator (including I) just with K and S:
describe("Idiot", () => {
test("Ix = SSKKx = x", () => {
test("Ix = SK(KK)x = x", () => {
const sk = S(K)
const kk = K(K)
Say, we have an ordered pair of two values: true and false. As Kerstel always returns the first value, we can call it TRUE:
export const TRUE = K
const t = () => true
const f = () => false
describe("TRUE = K", () => {
test("Ktf = (TRUE)tf = t", () => {
const actual = TRUE(t)(f)()
In the same manner, we can build a combinator that will always return FALSE:
export const FALSE = S(K)
describe("FALSE = SK", () => {
test("SKxy = y", () => {
test("KItf = (FALSE)tf = f", () => {
const actual = K(I)(t)(f)()
Notice, how in the second test, we use KI instead of SK. Indeed, I is not necessary but can be used as syntactic sugar.
NOT = (SK)(K)
Now things are getting complicated. We can't trust our intuition and write tests. Here is NOT:
export const NOT = b => b(S(K))(K)
describe("NOT = (SK)(K)", () => {
test("NOT = (SK)(K)", () => {
const sk = S(K)
test("NOT(TRUE) = FALSE", () => {
test("NOT(FALSE) = TRUE", () => {
test("TRUE(FALSE)(TRUE) = FALSE", () => {
test("FALSE(FALSE)(TRUE) = TRUE", () => {
The definition of NOT is not precisely the same, as in Wikipedia. Please check out the answer to my question on Stackoverflow to see why.
export const OR = TRUE
describe("OR = T = K", () => {
test("(T)OR(T) = T(T)(T) = T", () => {
test("(T)OR(F) = T(T)(F) = T", () => {
test("(F)OR(T) = F(T)(T) = T", () => {
test("(F)OR(F) = F(T)(F) = F", () => {
export const AND = FALSE
describe("AND = F = SK", () => {
test("(T)(T)AND = T(T)(F) = T", () => {
test("(T)(F)AND = T(F)(F) = F", () => {
test("(F)(T)AND = F(T)(F) = F", () => {
test("(F)(F)AND = F(F)(F) = F", () => {
De Morgan's laws
Now, when we have a boolean logic system, let's check De Morgan's laws:
describe("De Morgan's Laws", () => {
const or = (a, b) => a(OR)(b)
const and = (a, b) => a(b)(AND)
const not = a => NOT(a)
test("¬(a ∨ b) ⇔ (¬a) ∧ (¬b)", () => {
expect(!(true || true)).toBe(false)
expect(!true && !true).toBe(false)
expect(not(or(TRUE, TRUE))(t)(f)()).toBe(false)
expect(and(not(TRUE), not(TRUE))(t)(f)()).toBe(false)
expect(!(true || false)).toBe(false)
expect(!true && !false).toBe(false)
expect(not(or(TRUE, FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(false)
expect(and(not(TRUE), not(FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(false)
expect(!(false || false)).toBe(true)
expect(!false && !false).toBe(true)
expect(not(or(FALSE, FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
expect(and(not(FALSE), not(FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
expect(!(false || true)).toBe(false)
expect(!false && !true).toBe(false)
expect(not(or(FALSE, TRUE))(t)(f)()).toBe(false)
expect(and(not(FALSE), not(TRUE))(t)(f)()).toBe(false)
test("¬(a ∧ b) ⇔ (¬a) ∨ (¬b)", () => {
expect(!(true && true)).toBe(false)
expect(!true || !true).toBe(false)
expect(not(and(TRUE, TRUE))(t)(f)()).toBe(false)
expect(or(not(TRUE), not(TRUE))(t)(f)()).toBe(false)
expect(!(true && false)).toBe(true)
expect(!true || !false).toBe(true)
expect(not(and(TRUE, FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
expect(or(not(TRUE), not(FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
expect(!(false && false)).toBe(true)
expect(!false || !false).toBe(true)
expect(not(and(FALSE, FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
expect(or(not(FALSE), not(FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
expect(!(false && false)).toBe(true)
expect(!false || !false).toBe(true)
expect(not(and(FALSE, FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
expect(or(not(FALSE), not(FALSE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
expect(!(false && true)).toBe(true)
expect(!false || !true).toBe(true)
expect(not(and(FALSE, TRUE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
expect(or(not(FALSE), not(TRUE))(t)(f)()).toBe(true)
The repo is here.