CluedIn Python SDK 2.0.0

It has been a short time since the last release, but I've added a few new features and decided to bump the version to 2.0.0.


From PyPi:

pip install cluedin

Quick start

CluedIn context configuration

Create a JSON file with context configuration to your CluedIn instance:

In this file, parameters have the following meaning:

  • protocol - http if your CluedIn instance is not secured with a TLS certicate. Otherwise, https by default.
  • domain – CluedIn instance domain without the Organization prefix.
  • org_name – the name of Organization (a.k.a. Organization prefix).
  • user_email – the user's email.
  • user_password – the user's password.
  • verify_tlsfalse, if an unknown CA signs the TLS certificate. Otherwise, true by default.

Here is an example of a file for a CluedIn instance running locally from a Home repository:

    "protocol": "http",
    "domain": "",
    "org_name": "foobar",
    "user_email": "",
    "user_password": "Foobar23!"

We add the protocol, but we can skip this parameter if the URL starts with https. Likewise, we can skip verify_tls because it only makes sense for HTTPs URLs.

Alternatively, to provide email and password, you can obtain an API access token from CluedIn UI and provide it in the file:

    "protocol": "http",
    "domain": "",
    "org_name": "foobar",
    "access_token": "..."

When the configuration file exists, you can export its path to an environment variable:

export CLUEDIN_CONTEXT=~/.cluedin/home.json

Now, you can load this file from your Python code and get an access token (if not already provided):

import cluedin

context = Context.from_json_file(os.environ['CLUEDIN_CONTEXT'])

You could also do it without the context file:

context = {
    "protocol": "http",
    "domain": "",
    "org_name": "foobar",
    "user_email": "",
    "user_password": "Foobar23!"

context = Context.from_dict(context)


Get entities:

context = Context.from_json_file(os.environ['CLUEDIN_CONTEXT'])

query = """
  query searchEntities($cursor: PagingCursor, $query: String, $pageSize: Int) {
      query: $query
      sort: FIELDS
      cursor: $cursor
      pageSize: $pageSize
      sortFields: {field: "id", direction: ASCENDING}
    ) {
      entries {

variables = {
    "query": "*",
    "pageSize": 10_000

# it's important to request cursor in your GraphQL query,
# so cluedin.gql.entries would be able to request and return all pages
entities = cluedin.gql.entries(context, query, variables):



  • CLUEDIN_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS - CluedIn API request timeout (in seconds). If not set, then it defaults to 300 (5 minutes).


  • Context.from_dict(cls, context_dict: dict) -> Context – creates a new Context object from a dict.
  • Context.from_json_file(file_path: str) -> Context – creates a new Context object from a JSON-file.


  • cluedin.account.get_users(context: Context, org_id: str = None) -> list – returns all users for Organization.
  • cluedin.account.is_organization_available_response(context: Context, org_name: str) -> dict – checks if a given Organization name is available. This method returns a JSON-response serialized into a dict.
  • cluedin.account.is_organization_available(context: Context, org_name: str) -> bool – checks if a given Organization name is available. Returns a Boolean.
  • cluedin.account.is_user_available_response(context: Context, user_email: str, org_name: str) -> dict – checks, if a user with a given email can be created or this email is already reserved. This method returns a JSON-response serialized into a dict.
  • cluedin.account.is_user_available(context: Context, user_email: str, org_name: str) -> bool – checks, if a user with a given email can be created or this email is already reserved. This method returns a JSON-response serialized into a dict. Returns a Boolean.


  • cluedin.gql.gql(context: Context, query: str, variables: dict = None) -> dict – sends a GraphQL request and returns a response.
  • cluedin.gql.entries(context: Context, query: str, variables: dict = None) -> list – returns entries from a GraphQL search query. If cursor is requested in the GraphQL query (see the example above and tests), then it proceeds to next pages to return all results.


  • cluedin.jwt.get_jwt_payload(jwt: str) -> dict – parses a JWT (JSON Web Token, a.k.a. access token or API token), and returns its payload serialized into a dict.

Public API

  • cluedin.public.post_clue(context: Context, clue: str, content_type: str = 'application/xml') -> str – posts a clue in XML or JSON format. This method returns an operation result as a string.
  • cluedin.public.restore_user_entities(context: Context) -> list – if you accidentally deleted /Infrastructure/User entities, this method gets all users and restores entities for those who miss them.

Full Changelog: