CluedIn Python SDK 2.4.0

What's Changed

Added support for CluedIn Rules:

  • cluedin.rules.RuleScope - an enumeration of rule scopes: DATA_PART, ENTITY, SURVIVORSHIP.
  • cluedin.rules.get_rules(context: Context, scope=RuleScope.DATA_PART) -> dict - returns all rules for a given scope. This method returns a JSON-response serialized into a dict.
  • cluedin.rules.get_rule(context: Context, rule_id: str) -> dict - returns a rule by ID. This method returns a JSON-response serialized into a dict.


  • cluedin.rules.evaluator.default_get_property_name(field: str) -> str - returns a default property name for a given field. Used to map CluedIn Rules fields to your fields.

  • cluedin.rules.evaluator.default_get_value(field: str, obj: dict) -> Any - returns a default value for a given field. Used to map CluedIn Rules fields to your fields.

  • cluedin.rules.Evaluator - a class to evaluate CluedIn Rules.

  • cluedin.rules.Evaluator.evaluate(context: Context, rule: dict, obj: dict) -> bool - evaluates a rule for an object. Returns a Boolean:

    • get_matching_objects(self, objects) -> list - returns a list of objects that match the rule.
    • object_matches_rules(self, obj) -> bool - returns True if an object matches the rule.
    • explain(self) -> str - returns an explanation of the rule (in pandas DataFrame.query terms).


  • cluedin.rules.operators.default_get_operator(operator_id) -> Any - returns a default operator for a given operator ID. Used to map CluedIn Rules operators to your operators.

You can add custom operatiors (see for examples), but the following CluedIn Rules operators are supported out of the box:

  • Is Not True
  • Is True
  • Begins With
  • Between
  • Contains
  • Ends With
  • Equals
  • Exists
  • Greater
  • Greater or Equal
  • In
  • Is False
  • Is Not Null
  • Is Null
  • Is True
  • Less
  • Less or Equal
  • Matches pattern
  • Not Begins With
  • Not Between
  • Not Contains
  • Not Ends With
  • Not Equal
  • Does Not Exist
  • Not In
  • Does not match pattern

Full Changelog: